Download Whatsapp + Plus Reborn V1.50 New Updated

 sebagian besar penggemar chatting bersama  Download WhatsApp + Plus ReBorn v1.50 New UPDATED
Cara mengatasi Whatsapp yang keblokir, yaitu dengan menginstall aplikasi ini :D dapat di coba gans.
WhatsApp + Plus ReBorn v1.50 versi gres Watts Up Plus ReBorn! Dimana account akan diblokir.
sebagian besar penggemar chatting bersama WhatsApp dekat Watts Up Instan sangat terkenal pada daftar Dapatkan Android kebanyakan berada. dalam posting ini WhatsApp + (Plus) REBORN v1.50 crack dan versi patch aplikasi ini disediakan untuk pengguna. mungkin bertanya, apa perbedaan utama tolong-menolong versi Plus? Jawabannya yaitu bahwa pembatasan versi Ditambah telah dieliminasi dan fitur personalisasi telah ditambahkan. Dear Members dicatat bahwa untuk versi ini, Anda harus terlebih dahulu menghapus versi orisinil dan lalu menginstal versi Plus.

Features (WhatsApp + Plus)

  • Sharing pictures without quality loss.
  • Sharing music together just a click
  • Ability to add photos contacts
  • Themes available in web browser to view and download

  1. Watts up the kegiatan runs upon your phone and then go to the Settings → Chat Settings → Backup Conversations take backup of your chat.
  2. Remove the Watts up in your phone.
  3. Whatsapp + 3 kegiatan in this page goth android-os download and install.
  4. Once installed, run it and click AGREE & CONTINUE to the next step and enter your phone number.
  5. If you have taken a backup of previous chats option recover (Restore) will appear, then select it.
  6. (If the message “Your application is unofficial Download in play store” encounter, WhatsApp + current which is newly installed were removed and the site’s Market Google Play and the WhatsApp home in there install ( this url ) . After installation of the Watts Up typical of Google Play, together 1 or more contacts Chat and their talks backup call. Then the conversation backup and Watts Up Original delete. After doing this again WhatsApp + download install . This time you recover option will be available).
  7. recover (RESTORE) may take a while before you can hook a cup of coffee in the meantime please email!
  8. Congratulations! You have now successfully installed WhatsApp +. Now you can use multiple of the same features.
 sebagian besar penggemar chatting bersama  Download WhatsApp + Plus ReBorn v1.50 New UPDATED

Download WhatsApp + Plus ReBorn v1.50
Link download [24.2 mb] / MIRROR

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